Monday, March 3, 2014


We have been in a huge transition period for our family.

I didn't realize at the time exactly how big it would be.

 As I began to post on this blog, my husband was interviewing for a job with Indiana Wesleyan University in Indianapolis, Indiana.

By late October, he had a verbal job offer for the same job, only it would not be in Indianapolis.  It would be out of Champaign, Illinois, 45 minutes from my hometown!

 For a month, I knew that we would probably be moving soon.  Then the actual job offer came through, and they wanted the Mister to start in 10 days.  TEN days.

There was no way we would find a rental home and have our house packed up and moved from Kansas to Illinois in ten days.

So Mister packed up and moved in with my parents.  It was odd to have my husband and parents under the same roof and me and our kids way out in the state of Kansas.

As house hunting began, our large area of options kept shrinking.  Around here, its all about who you know when it comes to finding a good rental home.  Few people advertise their quality homes for rent.  Eventually we had a few options, and every. single. one. was in my hometown.  I was so excited to be so close to my family!!  I love having them near!!  But I wasn't sure how my big city husband would do with that.  By the grace of God, however, he had been staying with my parents for nearly a month, working his new job, by that point, and had discovered that he gets a good taste of the big city with his job nearly every week.

In my wildest dreams and scariest nightmares, I never once put us living in my itty bitty hometown.

God answers prayers in ways we never could have dreamed.

Sometimes he even answers prayers we never knew we prayed.

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